Video Document - faq: link workstation to existing data set

Linking to a New Dataset

Your Windward software product allows you to log in to more than one database (one at a time) and maintains a list of the databases it has used. The following instructions will allow you to connect to a new database.

The Procedure


- Before logging in, press the INSTALL button on the login window (top-right corner)

- Select 'Link a new workstation to an existing networked company'. [NEXT]

- This screen shows a list of existing datafiles. Double-click on 'Add existing company'.

- Use the navigation bar to find your new data, and press [NEXT]

- Select the new data from the list, and press [NEXT]

- Select the appropriate terminal for your location [NEXT]

- Describe the station if desired [NEXT]

- You will be returned to the login screen. You can select the dataset you wish to use in the large dropdown menu, to the left of the INSTALL button. Login as normal.


Video source: faq:link_to_an_existing_networked_company.flv