Video Document - faq: refunds: refund check

To be able to create a refund check for a customer who has a credit on their account enable the following:

(Customer has a $50 credit on his account that you want to remove and pay via check to the customer)

  • Enable the option to create "Refund Check Journal Entries" in the Setup Wizard
  • Now create a R-Type invoice for the amount of the check you are writing to the customer
  • Choose the Check Tender type and type press ESC
  • This will bring up the "Issue Refund Check" window where you enter in the details such as the check # and any comments
  • Now that the check has been given to the customer and thier balance is $0.00, the payment needs to be applied to the credit balance to remove it from the system. First go to Accounts Receivable - Payments on Account - New Payment
  • Choose your customer and apply the payment against the credit balance
  • See Camtasia file:

    Video source: faq:refunds:refund-cheque.flv