Video Document - speedy: creatingastockreconciliationreport1011041743

Problem Description

How to create a Stock Reconciliation Report in SpeedyPOS. This report is customizable, using opening and closing stock balances, specifying date range as well as stock movement.


This report is created by selecting Reports, Inventory Report, Stock Reconciliation. Then select your date range and what you want to report on. The next tab is the columns tab where you will design your report by selecting columns. Select view and your report will display. You can name and save your report in order to save time when you want to report on the same at a later date. You would select the save report and change those filters for example the date range.

Video source: speedy:creatingastockreconciliationreport1011041743.flv

Created by Sharon Brum at 11/4/2010 5:43:09 PM