1.] Where and how to add a new customer?
2.] How to delete a customer record?
3.] How to search customer records and what information can be used to aid in finding a certain customer as well as how to edit customer information?
Adding a customer individually is an easy process to do in SpeedyPOS. It is advise to setup your Default Customer first before doing so, you will be able to save time in typing information if its common to all of your incoming customers. To add a new customer, click Accounts Receivable>Customers, in the Find Customer Window click the New Button and a new customer record will be generated and type in the business or company name as well as additional important information if your done be sure to click OK button to save your customer record.
A customer record can be deleted anytime as long as there\'s no past transactions on it. You can delete a customer record either at the Find Customer window by highlighting that customer and click on the Delete button provided or you can access the customer record and in the tool bar a Delete button is also available for you to click on. The system will be asking a confirmation if you really want to delete such record everytime you will be doing this.
SpeedyPOS have several search field that you can use to filter your search for your customer ex. Country: Canada , all customers that are in Canada will be listed, you can also type in the first letter of your customer and the system will automatically generate all the customers that starts with that letter, or you can click Recent button to display a list of customers and the top most is the recently added customer.
To edit a customer record you can either highlight that customer in the Find Customer Window and click Edit Button or double click to access the customers record.
Video source: speedy:newcustomer1002020822.flv
Created by mary jane robosa at 2010-02-02 8:29:33 AM