Problem Description
Messages on integrity report:
- Total cash Paid d n e Cash Posting
- Sub total does not agree lines d n e invoice
Additional description:
- Lines on the invoice do not equal the header
- Error opening invoice: "Invoice Total Error Inv#", "Sub Total: Original= xx.xx new= yy.yy" Where Inv Number is the invoice number or unique number of the invoice. Where xx.xx is the dollars and cents of the original sub total, and yy.yy is the dollars and cents of the new sub total.
The video will:
Explain what it meansExplain the Progress & StepsReview the error opening the invoiceReview the invoice and its historyReview invoice with the clerkResults of initial editPossible solutions- Void invoice it is in error and was already fixed
- Recreate from history
Expanded Notes:
What it means: Paid 1 + paid 2 + paid 3 does not equal the totals on the lines in the transaction tab. The lines on the invoice back end have a posting to cash clearing. This line no longer equals the total of the 3 paid fields from the cash invoice.Progress & Steps: Edit the invoiceError opening invoice: Invoice Error, Sub Total: Original = xx.xx New = yy.yy, taxes[1]: Original= xx.xx new = yy.yy.Review invoice: No lines on the invoice, but there is a tender. There is missing informationReview history: Activity on POS transactions, but no activity clearing things out. Review the original printout if possibleCheck with the clerk: If we don't have the original printout, we need to talk to the clerk to try and find out if anything has happened.Results: Editing the invoice causes new cash to be posted to the invoice as change.Possible solutions: Discuss scenarios, and possible extra steps as an overview. Make sure note is made about todays end of day being effected.
Video source: training:06_totalcashpddnecashposting_subtotaldnelines_linesoninvoicedneheader0908171510.flv
Created by Clifford MacKay at 8/17/2009 3:10:19 PM