Video Document - training: 15 crdnedb artransactionsdneinvoicetotal transferinvoiceshalfposted0908241555

Problem Description

Messages on Integrity Report:

- Credits do not equal debits

- AR transactions do not equal invoice total

Additional Description:

- Transfer invoice that is half posted

- Corresponding error found in error log


The video will:

  • Review the back end
  • Review the progress and steps
  • Review the results in the back end
  • Discuss determining the cause
  • Suggest an appropriate follow up
  • Expanded Notes:

  • Review back end: Header fields fine, back end half posted. You can tell it is half posted because only 4000 level lines are on the transactions tab. Out of proof as well.
  • Progress & Steps: Edit invioce. Security prevents default action, so the video shows us how using supervisor override can be used to allow us to finish posting the invoice.
  • Review back end: We see the fix is complete and the results we should see afterwards.
  • Determine the cause: Fast forwarded to error message that came up when invoice was originally created.
  • Follow up: Programming to address the cause
  • Video source: training:15_crdnedb_artransactionsdneinvoicetotal_transferinvoiceshalfposted0908241555.flv

    Created by Clifford MacKay at 8/24/2009 3:55:56 PM