Video Document - training: default packsizes touchscreen v6050

Problem Description

At the point of sale, one may find that a barcode could mean a number of different items. An example of this is a can of beer that has one bar code, and when 6 of them are packed together with a plastic sleeve, there still is only one bar code to choose from when scanning.

Because single cans and 6-packs are entered into System 5 as separate items for ease of Multiple case Breakdown, it would not do to scan the single can 6 times nor to scan one can and then edit the quantity to 6. This is because 6-packs are typically sold cheaper than six singles; and so the goal is to get the 6-pack added to the invoice


By defining the 'Pack Size' in the item records of the different pack sizes of an item, one can use Touchscreen buttons, and/or use the Setup Wizard's 'Default Pack Size' feature to help pick from the multiple items that may be linked to one bar code.

Please note that for the purpose of this demonstration, the Pack Size feature is accessed by using a barcode scanner to scan the bar code of an item into a Windward invoice, and not accessed when adding the item to the invoice using the 'Add Item' button or text box.

Video source: training:packsizes-sellingandsettingdefaults1201190850.flv

Created by Scott Jackson at 1/19/2012 8:50:10 AM