Video Document - training: gs inventory load stage 4

Stage 4: Prepare and Load - Inventory Stock Items

On completion of this video the viewer will be able to:

  • Identify and Set basic inventory options
  • Add & Edit Basic inventory items
  • Search, View, Edit existing inventory items
  • Create and Import using Spreadsheet Files
  • Review, Adjust and Edit existing inventory
  • Add Non-Inventory, Labour & Misc. items
  • Print Inventory Reports
  • Carefully preparing your inventory stock items, and loading them into System Five is a very important stage of your Getting Started.

    The Part Number, Supplier Name, Description, Taxes, Cost and List/RRP prices are just a few of the required pieces of information that need to be known by System Fvie so that sales, cost of sale and profitability can be accurately calculated and reported.

    After watching these 6 short videos, take the time to organize and prepare with accuracy and attention to detail. It will pay off in the long term.

    Stage 4: Video 1 - Set Inventory Options

    Video source: :training:inventory_load_1.mp4

    Stage 4: Video 2 - Add/Edit Inventory Items

    Video source: :training:inventory_load_2.mp4

    Stage 4: Video 3 - Search/View/Edit Items

    Video source: :training:inventory_load_3.mp4

    Stage 4: Video 4 - Preparing Load Spreadsheets

    Video source: :training:inventory_load_4.mp4

    Stage 4: Video 5 - Add Parts to Spreadsheets

    Video source: :training:inventory_load_5.mp4

    Stage 4: Video 6 - Import with Partload

    Video source: :training:inventory_load_6.mp4
