Video Document - training: liquorconnectprocesspoexportandreceive0903231552

LiquorConnect - Setup and Configuration

Topic overview

The LiquorConnect feature is an option designed to export and import purchase order information to and from the Connect Logistics Services Inc.'s LiquorConnect service. You need to create this company supplier in addition to the tasks described in this topic.

The following tasks are required to set up and configure the LiquorConnect export and update functions.

Set up the Export function

Setup Tools> Utilities> XML Central

[Export To XML]


LiquorConnect PO Export

5. On the Export Settings tab, click the Export Type down arrow and select 'Purchases' from drop-down list.


NOTE: The file Path, Name and Extension do not affect the export. You can use any value you like.


Set up the Update function

2. Right-click on the file and select 'Extract All' from the drop-down menu.


cd \liquorconnect

install c:\windward\system5\data\xmlcentral.xml

Setup Tools> Utilities> XML Central

[Export To XML]

LiquorConnect Update




Problem Description

Process of Exporting a PO to Connect Logisitcs, and importing back the PO once it's processed by them


Process of Exporting a PO to Connect Logisitcs, and importing back the PO once it's processed by them

Video source: training:liquorconnectprocesspoexportandreceive0903231552.flv

Created by Lynn Pont at 3/23/2009 3:52:39 PM