Settings up MISC Parts.
<note>Using MISC Parts does not create inventory records in System Five, thus the MISC parts do not show up on Inventory Reports.</note>
- Setup Wizard -> Invoice Options -> Invoice Options 2. Turn on [35] Use Miscellaneous Part and Bill Tracking.
- Setup Wizard -> Invoice Options -> Invoice Options 2. Turn on [44] Default Invoice quantity as Zero, not One.
- Category Setup and configure a sub-category as Non Inventory.
- Create a new Inventory Item against the sub category created from step 3.
- Edit the inventory item created from step 4. Do not enter a cost and list price.
- Go to the Misc Tab in the inventory item and select $$Misc Part (Assign cost and retail at sale)
- Sell the custom part on an Invoice. The Miscellaneous part screen will open. Enter the part number (usually Supplier's Part Number), the supplier's part number (Use the part number again if they are the same) and a description.
- Enter the supplier, the supplier record must exist in System Five.
- Enter the Cost and List Price information
<note> The part numbers entered into the Misc Part Window will be remembered by the system. If I use a part number M123 6 months from now in the Misc Part Window then System Five will remember the part number and autofill the Misc Part Window information.</note>
Video source: training:miscpart1009031638.flv
Created by Tanya Pedersen at 9/3/2010 4:38:54 PM