Video Document - videos: 05 completingtheinvoiceandtrackingunknownfreight1102140922

Problem Description


  • Considerations on the final prices of the freight and providing that information to the customer
  • Finding the order
  • What information the shipper has provided to us
  • Changing the invoice type
  • How can we tell what is outstanding for freight unknown?
  • Solution

  • Considerations on the final prices of the freight and providing that information to the customer
  • - Estimating high

    - Looking at the information provided in the list price column

    - Have the prices been quoted to the customer in your company? If this is not always the case, please make sure you indicate that somehow on the order

  • Finding the order
  • - The customer should usually have the invoice number

    - You can always find the invoice by looking it up by customer name

  • What information the shipper has provided to us
  • - Better estimates

  • Changing the invoice type
  • - Switch to A type invoices normally

  • How can we tell what is outstanding for freight unknown?
  • - How to review sales history of the part.

    - Since it is only used temparary, only active ones will show

    Video source: videos:05-completingtheinvoiceandtrackingunknownfreight1102140922.flv

    Created by Clifford MacKay at 2/14/2011 9:22:29 AM