Upload and publishing videos using vshare. Videos will be uploaded to the Windward Wiki at http://wiki.wws5.com. An e-mail notification when the article is published will be sent including the link of the article created.
The vshare.exe can be found in f:\system5\bin .
- Click on the "Add to queue" button in vshare.
- Enter your problem, solution
- The category for video options include (Training, Videos, Customer).
<note>The scripting that runs on the servers creates the page name based on the video file name. When publishing to the Videos category, if there are any spaces in the video file name, these are stripped for the page name. Any other category puts the correct "%20" code to insert the space.</note>
Vshare used to identify a problem and solution for the video and create a wiki article.
Video source: videos:vshare_internal0712061144.flv
Created by Charlene Scott at 06/12/2007 11:44:52 AM
This is what the notification e-mail sent to the notify list will look like.
To: jim@wws5.com
Subject: Windward video resource is now available
From: kevin@wws5.com
This is an automated message to let you know that a video prepared by Kevin Schilter has been processed and is now available for viewing at the following location: